Planning Application Information
Save Our Surgery
West Northants Council Planning Meeting
Wednesday, February 9th
6:00pm in the Council Chamber, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP
Show your support, be there early!
The Patients of Today securing the future of our surgery for the Patients of the Future!
Did you know:
The Medical Centre supports 8300 patients - it was built for 4500.
If we want more appointments, they need bigger premises. More clinics and specialist services will be able to be held at Byfield, benefiting us all.
A GP surgery is a private business, delivering public services - they get paid to deliver the NHS priorities: success is determined by how many people they can help - if they can’t do enough of it, they can’t cover their costs and will close. It also needs the pharmacy to be viable.
GUARANTEED: The planning permission will legally ensure the plot for the surgery will never be allowed to become more housing.
Reasons to support the proposals:
This is the only offer that includes money towards both Land and build costs - without which it is not feasible.
More residents = more secure amenities - families for the school, customers for the shops, attendees to your clubs and events, jobs in the village, maybe even better broadband.
Affordable housing is an essential part of the envelopment - that’s houses for locals and for future generations.
Traffic will never be ideal, but comments and suggestions have been incorporated into the current plan. 4000 less patient will needs to access via Fiveways and Church Street.
GUARANTEED: Final decisions on what should be done rest with the Highways and the developer is giving a large chunk on money to be spent as Highways see fit.
What you can do:
Come along and show your support at the planning meeting on the 9th of February
Let’s show the Council this has our support!!
13th January 2021
Town and Country Planning Acts
Application Number: DA/2017/0826 (Amended)
Description: Outline application for new medical centre and residential development
Location: Land at Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire
Dear Sir/Madam,
The District Council is considering the above application, which has now been amended, and I am writing to ask whether you want to make any observations on it before a decision is made.
The plans can be viewed via our website: within the next few days. Please contact your Parish Council Clerk for details of when this application will be discussed by the Parish Council.
Any comments must reach me by 25-Jan-2021, either in writing or via the website or by email, in order to ensure that they will be taken into account when the application is decided I would advise an early response. If replying via the website or by email please include your postal address to ensure you are notified of the progress of the application.
If the application is one which is to be decided by the Planning Committee, you will have the opportunity to address the Planning Committee directly should you have any objections to the proposal. Further details of this procedure can be obtained from the Case Officer. Please note that correspondence is normally made public and others, including the applicant may read your comments. Please note that we cannot consider objections aimed at protecting your property rights or values.
In the interest of economy your letter will not normally be acknowledged but we will let you know the decision in due course. In all correspondence please quote the application number.
Your Faithfully,
K Thursfield
Development Control Manager
17th February 2020
Save our surgery badges provided by the action group available to purchase minimum of £2.00 - at the surgery, will soon be available in other outlets, watch this space
14th February 2020
Patients have organised an action group to raise funds to help with the cost of taking the application back to DDC planning committee. Additional costs are as follows:
Work on new road layout/traffic survery - Approx £10,000
New plans from the architecs - Approx £5,000
Legal fees to develop Section106 agreement - Aprrox £5,000
Below is the link to their just giving page
11th February 2020
15th January 2020
From the bottom of our hearts can we please thank everyone who turned up at the planning meeting this evening to support us we were truly overwhelmed so sorry to all those of you that had to stand outside in the cold, the council said there would be room for members of the public but I don’t think they anticipated the level of support - you are amazing patients again thank you from Byfield medical centre staff
15th January 2020
So tonight is the planning committee meeting at Daventry District Council - we hope to see as many of you there as possible - please come along to show your support
October 16th 2019
We understand that the Parish Council has responded to the latest consultation on our planning application. Whilst I appreciate the concerns they raise, I would offer the following response:
The Parish Council make reference to the length of time between our last discussions with them until now. As you will appreciate during this period, we have been in lengthy discussions with the District Council, and the Valuation Office, on the issues of viability and highways. The current proposals are the result of these discussions which simply consider the principles of the development in terms of scale of housing relative to the provision of a new Medical Centre, and the means of access with the consequential impact on the mini-roundabout junction at the northern end of Church Street with A361.
Reference is made to unresolved issues concerning contributions to community based projects. The central issue of these proposals is to provide an enhanced medical centre for the village and surrounding area for the foreseeable future. Whilst we have been aware of the list of projects the Parish Council have felt we should contribute to, we don’t believe such contributions are applicable when applying the necessary tests to planning obligations. Specifically, for them to be acceptable in planning terms they need to be:
- necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
- directly related to the development; and
- fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.
Given that land is being gifted and a significant contribution provided to instigate the construction of the medical centre and a proportionate contribution towards the highway solution at the mini-roundabouts, we don’t believe additional monies are justified.
Turning to the specific points they raise, we would offer the following comments:
- 1. Lack of drawings
The application is considered to provide all of the information required for an outline application. For clarification the use is proposed to be residential and provision of a medical centre, for an amount of housing totalling 78 dwellings, with a single point of vehicular access from Woodford Road, and additional pedestrian access from Knightley Close. These details are confirmed through the amended documents and drawings submitted to the Council and available on the planning website. The drawings which Create refer to have been submitted to the Council and are currently under consideration by Highways together with the Technical Note.
Essentially, the application is seeking approval in principle with the means of access being a detail to be considered. - 2. Density of development
It is considered that the reduction in the number of dwellings could provide a benefit through allowing a feathered edge to the village, and moving development away from the heritage assets to the south of the site. However, the exact layout of the site, the scale and the massing of development would be considered at the reserved matters stage, should planning permission be granted. As such the details of these remain firmly within the control of the Council and any plans submitted would be subject to public consultation and can be considered and amended accordingly. These matters are not for consideration in this instance, as such it is not necessary to provide additional plans indicating the layout of the site with the reduced number of dwellings, the previous indicative plan sufficiently illustrates how development may be accommodated on the site so as to allow for Officers and Members to make an informed decision on the principle of the proposed development in this location. We can confirm that the proposal is for 78 dwellings (as amended), of these dwellings 10% would be affordable. - 3. Safe Pedestrian Access/4. Pedestrian Access via Knightley Close
Safe and suitable pedestrian access to the site would be provided from Woodford Road and from Knightley Close, the access from Knightley Close could be a ramp or zig-zag path to ensure it is accessible to all. The details of this could be conditioned as part of the details of the proposed development. - 5. On-going concern about the veracity of the Transport Assessment and Road Safety Audit/6. Chicane
The resolution of the fiveways junction has been the subject of extensive discussions between the County Council highway advisers and our own highway consultants. The junction, we understand, has been an ongoing concern, however, we believe we have reached an acceptable solution through these discussions. - 7. Additional General Remarks by Parishioners
The comments made in this section simply re-iterate those already made earlier in the document.
Finally, the issue raised concerning the imminent loss of the Doctors Surgery is very real. It is our understanding from our clients is that the practice will need to make radical decisions on its future over the next few months.